Medical Conditions


Hernia Supports are prescribed for children and adults who require support through their abdomen for congenital or acquired herniation. Hernia Supports extend down to above the knee, and over the shoulders in a ‘single’ or ‘vest’ style, to provide optimal abdominal support and absolute comfort. This design keeps the support in place during work, home, and leisure activities, and ensures our Hernia Supports are clinically effective.

Hernia Supports may be prescribed for:

  • Congenital herniation (including omphalocele, prune belly syndrome)
  • Post traumatic herniation
  • Conservative management of inoperable hernias
  • Additional support following mesh repairs and other abdominal surgeries

Hernia Supports are often prescribed to assist with pain management and comfort, to increase endurance and to improve activity tolerance, and to assist in protecting the herniation from damage and injury.

Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss our Hernia Supports.

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