The Second Skin team prescribe, design and manufacture compression garments for the post-surgical management of hand, upper limb and lower limb amputations.
Compression garments are prescribed to assist with oedema, pain and scar management for finger, thumb, hand and upper limb amputees. Above knee and below knee amputees are referred to Second Skin where the fragility, size and shape of the stump requires a custom made garment. We have prescribed compression garments for forequarter (upper limb, scapula and clavicle) amputations and hindquarter (hemipelvectomy) amputees. Sculptured moulds can be incorporated into our compression garments for the shoulder defect to improve cosmesis, or for pelvic defects to assist with seating, comfort and cosmesis.
All compression garments for amputations are prescribed with individual zip access for ease of application, and are designed to achieve close stump contact for pain and oedema management.
Please contact us if we can assist in prescribing a compression garment for amputees.